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Open Source & Cloud Native Metering

Open Source usage metering for Engineers to collect and aggregate millions of events in real-time.

Open Source Metering

Join our community on GitHub.


Enable scalable usage metering for your product in minutes:

Meter millions of events per second:
import { OpenMeter } from '@openmeter/sdk'

const openmeter = new OpenMeter({ 
  baseUrl: 'http://localhost:8888'

// Measure OpenAI / ChatGPT token usage
await openmeter.events.ingest({
  id: 'e59cac1f-dd52-43a2-bc4f-36cd3c09a39c',
  type: 'tokens',
  subject: 'user-id',
  data: {
   tokens: 15,
   model: 'gpt-4',
Get real-time, accurate aggregated usage:
// Retreive token usage
const values = await openmeter.meters.query(
    subject: ['user-id'],
    from: new Date('2021-01-01'),
    to: new Date('2021-01-02'),
Billable Prompts:
Token Usage:

Why OpenMeter?

Integrates Natively

Built for Engineers: Open Source distribution and out-of-the-box integrations for LLMs, Kubernetes, Next.js, and cloud infrastructure components, including Node.js, Python, and Go.

Scalable and Reliable

Scales to millions of events per second and handles idempotency and deduplication. Events are never dropped and are always available for audit use cases.

Instant Aggregations

Collects, cleans, and aggregates millions of events per second to power instant usage gating, in-app consumption dashboards, and event-driven analytics.

Watch The Demo

OpenMeter Cloud

Quickstart in Minutes

OpenMeter Cloud

Managed OpenMeter Cloud with High Availability and User Interface

How It Works

OpenMeter combines the power of Kafka and ClickHouse with industry expertise from Stripe, Cisco, and Netflix to deliver billing-grade and scalable metering.

OpenMeter ingests data through events using the CloudEvent specification from CNCF. The usage metering aggregations are easily configurable, allowing tracking of specific event properties.

OpenMeter is released under the Apache 2.0 Open Source license and its source code is available on GitHub and maintained by a vibrant and diverse community from all over the globe.